Beginners Life Skills Classes

For those dogs that are slightly too old to attend our very popular Puppy Life Skills Classes.

Our New, Beginners Adolescent classes are open to dogs from six months old to 18months. Perhaps you missed out on the early puppy classes, or have recently acquired a younger dog, or maybe you’ve attended classes elsewhere and would like a refresher? Either way, we can be of assistance!

Much like our puppy class, this course covers a variety of exercises that will be related to real world topics so you can learn how to help your teenage dog navigate their way through situations you face on a daily basis. We focus on teaching life skills - such as self control, being calm, being able to listen and having good manners but we also cover sit / down / recall / lead walking etc.

This is a four week course, with a maximum of four dogs per class.

Please note, this course is not suitable for reactive dogs. If you are unsure, please do contact us first before booking, and we will be happy to discuss the options available.

The course will have a maximum of four dogs, will last for four weeks and the cost will be £79.